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V5 Vacuum Pump

D50 Vacuum Pump
It is suitable for pure electric micro face, pure electric logistics vehicle, pure electric light truck, pure electric van.

6L Vacuum Drum

Electronic Vacuum Controller

Electronic Vacuum Controller
Vacuum pressure controller, commonly known as vacuum pressure switch or negative pressure switch, is manufactured with advanced electronic vacuum pressure sensor and is the sensing and control unit of electric vacuum booster system for electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and other electric vehicles. According to the system required to set the vacuum working valve value, it can automatically monitor the vacuum pressure in the system and turn on and off by itself to prevent the vacuum pressure in the system from being too high or too low, which can ensure that the equipment works in a safe and effective vacuum pressure range.

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Add: Intersection of Yingfu Road and Cangnan Avenue in Lingxi Town, Cangnan County, Zhejiang Province
Zhejiang KVD New Energy Technology Co., Ltd 浙ICP备2021015576号 网站建设:中企动力 温州